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[2] On-line sites that distribute this document  Updated! , C++ FAQ Lite

[2] On-line sites that distribute this document  Updated! 
(Part of C++ FAQ Lite, Copyright © 1991-2005, Marshall Cline, cline@parashift.com)

FAQs in section [2]:

[2.1] Where's the closest mirror site to access this document?

You'll probably want to choose a close site:

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[2.2] What happened to the one-click-download option?

It choked on spam.

Seriously, I was getting so many false requests from spam-bots that I finally had to yank the thing.

PLEASE do NOT email me asking me to send it manually — I don't have time. Learn to use wget instead. (And PLEASE don't email me asking me how to get wget; learn to use a search engine.)

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[2.3] Where can I find the C++ FAQ Lite translated into Bosnian / Serbian / Croation?  New! 

[Recently created with much thanks to translator Zaharije Pasalic (in 5/05). Click here to go to the next FAQ in the "chain" of recent changes.]

You can't yet, but the translation is in progress. If you'd like to help (which means doing real work; you'll actually have to manually translate one or more sections from English into Bosnian/Serbian/Croation), please email Zaharije Pasalic. But do NOT email him just to get a sneak peek of what he's already done; if you want a sneak peek, the price of admission is for you to translate at least one section :-)

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[2.4] Where can I find the C++ FAQ Lite translated into Chinese?

There are two:

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[2.5] Where can I find the C++ FAQ Lite translated into French?

Here is the French translation of the C++ FAQ.

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[2.6] Where can I find the C++ FAQ Lite translated into Greek?

You can't yet, but the translation is in progress. If you'd like to help (which means doing real work; you'll actually have to manually translate one or more sections from English into Greek), please email Vangelis Katsikaros. But do NOT email him just to get a sneak peek of what he's already done; if you want a sneak peek, the price of admission is for you to translate at least one section :-)

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[2.7] Where can I find the C++ FAQ Lite translated into Polish?

Here is the (partially finished) Polish translation of the FAQ.

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[2.8] Where can I find the C++ FAQ Lite translated into Portuguese?

Here is the Portuguese translation of the FAQ.

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[2.9] Where can I find the C++ FAQ Lite translated into Russian?

Here is the Russian translation of the C++ FAQ.

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[2.10] Where can I find the C++ FAQ Lite translated into Turkish?

You can't yet, but the translation is in progress. If you'd like to help (which means doing real work; you'll actually have to manually translate one or more sections from English into Turkish), please email Doruk Caner. But do NOT email him just to get a sneak peek of what he's already done; if you want a sneak peek, the price of admission is for you to translate at least one section :-)

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Revised Jun 7, 2005 Права на материал принадлежат их авторам
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