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[5] Netiquette when posting to comp.lang.c++, C++ FAQ Lite

[5] Netiquette when posting to comp.lang.c++
(Part of C++ FAQ Lite, Copyright © 1991-2005, Marshall Cline, cline@parashift.com)

FAQs in section [5]:

[5.1] What does IMHO mean? (or IMO, IMNSHO, FWIW, OTOH, etc.)?

Here's a partial list of acronyms in alphabetical order:

PMFJI but my SO says "FWIW IMNSHO 'KUTGW' is rare; OTOH it may be useful."

For more acronyms please see the Canonical Abbreviation/Acronym List or the Acronym Finder.

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[5.2] How do I get other people to do my homework problem for me?

Shame on you!

Please do not post your homework questions to comp.lang.c++. And don't send them to people via email either!

"If I did your homework for you, then you might pass your class without learning how to write a program like this. Then you might graduate and get your degree without learning how to write a program like this. You might become a professional programmer without knowing how to write a program like this. Someday you might work on a project with me without knowing how to write a program like this. Then I would have to do you serious bodily harm." [Thanks to Jack Klein]

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[5.3] What should I do if I see someone else posting a homework problem?

When a slackard asks comp.lang.c++ to do their homework for them, answering their question is the worst thing for them. Please don't do it! Instead you can use the following table of "frequently asked homework assignments" to give them a hint/pointer:
If someone asks... ...then here's a brief answer:
How do I do Equation Parsing in C++? Use a stack of operators to convert infix to postfix, then a stack of operands to evaluate the postfix expression.
How do I do Shortest Path in C++? Look up Dijkstra's algorithm and backtracking.
How do I do Sorting in C++? Look up heapsort, quicksort, merge sort, internal and external sorting.
How do I do Minimum Spanning Trees in C++? Look up Kruskal and/or Prim's algorithm.
How do I do Combinations and/or Permutations in C++? See your algorithms book.
How do I do <some small essay problem; obviously contrived for a school assignment; too well defined to to be from the real world> in C++? Do it yourself. If you get stuck, ask a specific question.

[If anyone has other suggestions that should go into this table, please let me know; thanks; (cline@parashift.com)].

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[5.4] How can I find out about general netiquette so I don't embarrass myself?


Many more general netiquette questions are answered in the newsgroup news.announce.newusers. This newsgroup contains many must-read articles for new users.

BTW here's a cute joke that tells you how people feel about top-posting (with credits to "Gordon" on apihna):

 A: Top posting!
 Q: What is the most irritating thing on Usenet?

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[5.5] What do I do if someone else posts a question that's already in the FAQ?

Please don't answer a question that's already in the FAQ. Instead politely but firmly point the questioner to the FAQ using the following template:

Subject: It's in the FAQ (was: Original_Subject_Goes_Here)

> Original_Question_Goes_Here [...]

This issue is covered in the C++ FAQ.
You can get the FAQ at:

Please read the FAQ.

If you're willing to help in this effort, consider yourself "deputized" to point people to the FAQ using something like the above template. With your help, hopefully we can improve the signal-to-noise ratio on comp.lang.c++ and thereby preserve it as a valuable resource.

Note #1: Please don't give them the location of the appropriate FAQ. E.g., don't say, "Look at FAQ [10.3]" or "Look in section [10]". It's the old give-them-a-fish vs. teach-them-to-fish problem.

Note #2: Please be polite. I'm hoping we can avoid "RTFM" or "RTFFAQ" euphemisms (or worse!).

Thanks for any help you can give in this matter.

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[5.6] Wait a minute, does that previous FAQ say to not answer their question just because it's already answered in the FAQ?!?

Yes, that's exactly what the previous FAQ says: when someone asks a question that's already in the FAQ, please do not answer their question.

People ought to ask others for help with questions that aren't in the FAQ. But please don't cripple people by training them to depend on others for answers to questions that are in the FAQ.

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[5.7] What makes a good Subject: line?

Be descriptive:

Mention your compiler/version if you think it's relevant.

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[5.8] How do I post a question about code that doesn't work correctly?

Key guidelines:

  1. Post compile'able code: avoid ellipses, such as void f() { ... }
  2. Post complete code: put in all necessary #includes and declarations of needed types and functions
  3. Post minimal code: just enough to demonstrate the problem; skip I/O and calls to libraries if possible
  4. Post one compilation unit: if possible, combine Foo.h into Foo.cpp
  5. Post the tools you used: compiler name, version number, operating system, etc
  6. Post the tool options you used: libraries, exact compiler and linker options, etc
  7. Post the exact messages you received; differentiate between compiler, linker, and runtime messages
  8. Make sure main() has a return type of int, not void!

As always, make sure your question isn't already in the FAQ. Use the subject index to check.

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[5.9] Which newsgroup should I post my questions?

Only post to comp.lang.c++ if your question is about the C++ language itself. For example, C++ code design, syntax, style, rules, bugs, etc. Ultimately this means your question must be answerable by looking into the C++ language definition as determined by the ISO/ANSI C++ Standard document, and by planned extensions and adjustments. Operating-specific questions (e.g., about Windows NT / 95 / 3.x, UNIX, etc.) should go to an operating-system-specific newsgroup (see below), not to comp.lang.c++.

Here are some other potentially relevant newsgroups:

Usenet isn't the only place that has forums to answer your questions. You might also try Techi-Warehouse, among others. Please don't email me asking to add others; I don't have time (or the interest!) to make this an exhaustive list of forums.

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[5.10] Should I post job advertisements and/or resumés on comp.lang.c++?


Job ads, off-topic in comp.lang.c++, give the impression of an employer that is irresponsible and/or technically clueless — not the impression you want to make! Instead post your job ad / resumé on one of the dozens of *.jobs.* newsgroups that are designed for that purpose. [Adapted with permission from postings by David Harmon and Brian B. Rodenborn]

Note: if you see someone else posting a job ad, please check here before flaming them.

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[5.11] What if I really need a job; should I post my resumé on comp.lang.c++?


Resumé postings, off-topic in comp.lang.c++, give the impression of an employee that is irresponsible and/or technically clueless — not the impression you want to make! Instead post your job ad / resumé on one of the newsgroups that are designed for that purpose. [Adapted with permission from postings by David Harmon and Brian B. Rodenborn]

Note: if you see someone else posting a resumé or job request, please check here before flaming them.

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[5.12] What should I do to someone who posts something off-topic?

An extended flame war against an off-topic posting is just as off-topic as the original off-topic posting. The cure can be worse than the disease.

Instead use something brief and professional such as in the previous two FAQs (which, by the way, were adapted from other sources; see the credits in those FAQs). And please don't get personal or nasty — that just prolongs the (off-topic) exchange.

Remember the 5 "B"s of correction: Be Brief Brother, Be Brief.

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[5.13] What about spam?

Before you throw the word "spam" around (and especially before you accuse someone else of posting "spam"), please check to see some sites that provide a clear definition of exactly when a posting is or is not "spam." One such definition is provided here.

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[5.14] How do I get the FAQs for a particular newsgroup?

Let me count the ways...

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions lists) are available 24-hours a day via:

Please, PLEASE do not send e-mail to me!

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Revised Jun 1, 2005 Права на материал принадлежат их авторам
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